
SCORE – Building Your Financial Plan

Virtual / Webinar

For people who have limited knowledge or understanding of basic accounting and finance. This seminar is intended to explain the methods and need for financial tracking, control and generating the financial projections necessary to develop your plan such as: cash flow, income statement, break evens and balance sheet.

SCORE: Internet Marketing Series 4 of 5 – How to Blog for SEO

Virtual / Webinar

FREE Part #4 of a series of 5 workshops that are designed to develop an effective and unified marketing plan for your small business or nonprofit. This series of 5 workshops are designed to develop an effective and unified marketing plan for your Business %%

SCORE – Funding Your Business

Virtual / Webinar

For people who think they might need funding for their business. It is designed for start-ups and existing businesses with cash flow or capital issues. The seminar explains the various sources of funds, their lending criteria and how they differ. %%

SCORE: Recipe for Social Media Success

Virtual / Webinar

Learn how to leverage social media to grow your business: Which social networks are the best fit, Social media advertising, Best practices, and Time-saving tips. As a small business, social media is overwhelming and often feels like you’re just spinning your wheels. You have to figure out where to be, how to be engaging, and […]

SBDC/PTAC: Government Contracting- Overview

Virtual / Webinar

Federal, State, and Local Government procurement is the largest target market in the world. The question is usually not “Does the government buy what you are selling?”…it is more “Can you be competitive enough and relentless enough to position your business to win government contracts?”. If you think you can be competitive, then government contracting […]

SCORE: Coffee with a Leader – Communicate Like a Journalist: Turn Opportunities into Moneymaking Opportunities!

Virtual / Webinar

This session will help attendees learn: • Learn about authentic connection • Understand storytelling messaging • Learn how to structure your messaging • Create that “WOW” factor in the first 30 seconds • Generate excitement about your product or service and empower your audience • Discover your communication style and leverage those strengths %%

SCORE: Understanding Business Loan Proposals

Virtual / Webinar

Do you have a great idea for a business and the only thing standing in your way is the money to give it some legs? Or, you already own your own business but could use some extra capital to take things to the next level? You have come to the right place! In this presentation, […]

SCORE: Tax Boot Camp for Small Business Owners

Virtual / Webinar

This seminar is specifically developed for small business owners who have little to no experience or understanding of the role and impact of income taxes on their businesses. It is facilitated by experienced Tax Professionals and is designed to provide ideas and tax strategies that can be shared with one’s tax advisor. %%

SCORE: Internet Marketing Series 5 of 5 – Email Marketing for 2023

Virtual / Webinar

or many small businesses, marketing means having a social media page and maybe a website. To effectively market your business and its products or services, marketing needs to be much more than that. This series of 5 workshops are designed to develop an effective and unified marketing plan for your small business or nonprofit. This […]

SCORE: Out-Compete Your Competition

Virtual / Webinar

Business is competitive. But there are ways to come out on top. Some will look at the competition and think they need to speak negatively about them and fret that they may lose out. This does not need to be the case. In this webinar, we are going to discuss ways that you will separate […]

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*We reserve the right to publish events on an individual basis. All events must be business related, non-sales with a focus on educating and benefiting the business community.