
Continuidad empresarial

La gestión de la continuidad del negocio está en marcha en la mayoría de las organizaciones. A medida que la pandemia ha afectado rápidamente nuestras vidas y organizaciones, la gestión de la continuidad del negocio es ahora más importante que nunca. En el seminario de hoy, discutiremos los aspectos relevantes para que el negocio este […]

Startup Community Night: A Pre-SWORL Event

StarterStudio 130 S Orange Ave, Suite B, Orlando

Join StarterStudio and Lean Startup Orlando as we bring together leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs to learn, network and share! We will have a few presentations to start us off, followed by an impromptu competition with a few hundred dollars in prizes! Bring your passion for innovation and an empty stomach because we'll have dinner and […]


Government Contracting: Overview

Federal, State, and Local Government procurement is the largest target market in the world. The question is usually not “Does the government buy what you are selling?”…it is more “Can you be competitive enough and relentless enough to position your business to win government contracts?”. If you think you can be competitive, then government contracting […]

Reach Customers Online with Google

Virtual / Webinar

Learn how customers find your business online and how to promote your business using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Smart Campaigns in Google Ads. In this session you will learn how to: ● Improve your website’s visibility in Google’s organic search results, on all devices ● Maximize SEO strategies that are most important in 2021 […]

Digital Ads – The Ultimate Tool to Grow Your Business

Virtual / Webinar

Social ads are by far one of the best and fastest ways to grow your business. But most do not know how to best run ads; even worse, many try unsuccessfully and become discouraged about ads altogether. But there are many industry secrets you may not be aware of when it comes to properly and […]

Starting Your Own Cottage Food Business

ONLINE EVENT Cottage Foods are considered low-risk foods that you are allowed to make at home and sell. Florida Cottage Food law was recently revised, expanding opportunities for food entrepreneurs. Learn about these changes and how to start your own cottage food operation. This class will answer the following questions: • What foods are cottage […]


SCORE – Next Level Business – Proven Strategies to H.E.L.P. Grow Your Business

In this webinar you will learn: 1. Strategies to generate revenue NOW! 2. Networking strategies to build relationships to get more referrals. 3. Get a blueprint to create a “V.I.C.T.O.R.Y” Success Action Plan 4. Learn ways to design, implement, and evaluate a Strategic Business Plan to grow your business. %%

SBDC – How to Start Your Business

If you’re thinking of starting a business, it’s important to take the right steps. This course will give you an overview of what to know, actions to take, and how to avoid common missteps to give your company its greatest chance of success. %%

SCORE- How to Set a Price for Your Product or Service

Virtual / Webinar

KEY TOPICSAccounting; Cash Flow Operations Product Development; Manufacturing Strategy; PlanningHow to Set a Price for Your Product or Service %%

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*We reserve the right to publish events on an individual basis. All events must be business related, non-sales with a focus on educating and benefiting the business community.