
SCORE: Starting Your New Business

Virtual / Webinar

This workshop is designed to guide you through the steps necessary for starting a business. It covers the different legal business entities, licenses needed, taxes and insurance. We explain what business plans are all about and show you how to collect business information and research. You will learn about capital funding and the lender's view […]


SCORE: Where Can I Find Financing for My Small Business?

Virtual / Webinar

Did you know that business loans as small as $1,000 are now available and that there are loan programs designed specifically for home-based businesses not yet in operation? This workshop will discuss the various types of financing. This workshop will review the types of business financing and the requirements for obtaining them: • Debt vs. […]


SBDC: Business Plan Writing Made Easier

Virtual / Webinar

Your business needs a roadmap for every stage of its growth. We’ll remove the mystery of how to create a business plan, the information that should be included, and how to use it as a tool to keep your company on track for long term growth. Please note: Certain device’s Operating Systems (e.g. Windows S […]

SCORE: World Class Innovation – Develop Value That Creates Success

Virtual / Webinar

According to the Harvard Business School, over 35,000 new consumer products are launched every year, and 95% of them fail! Why are companies like Johnson & Johnson so much more effective with innovation? Learn the concepts, protocols and secrets from a prior senior executive who helped Johnson & Johnson successfully launch over 100 products! Our […]


SCORE: Franchises – An Easier Way to Becoming Your Own Boss

Virtual / Webinar

Owning a franchise is one way to become an entrepreneur. A franchisor provides the planning, brand name and promotional support the franchisee needs to get started. Attend this workshop to see if a franchise is right for you. Have you always wanted to be your own boss but didn't quite know how to get started? […]


SBDC: Develop Your Unique Business Pitch

Virtual / Webinar

Unique Value Proposition: Let's dive into the (4) components that come together to create the perfect pitch for your business! This unique-to-you 1-liner can be used in networking situations, email signatures, and incorporated into your digital marketing strategy!

SCORE: Understanding Business Loan Proposals

Virtual / Webinar

Do you have a great idea for a business and the only thing standing in your way is the money to give it some legs? Or, you already own your own business but could use some extra capital to take things to the next level? You have come to the right place! In this presentation, […]


SCORE: Onboarding V Orientation: How to Reduce Turnover in The 1st 90 Days.

Virtual / Webinar

One of the greatest problems that businesses face is integrating new talent into their existing teams. No matter how skilled, talented, and experienced your new hires are, without clarity around the tasks assigned, duties required, and team members available, you set yourself up for losing your new employees in the confusion and discomfort of acclimating […]


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*We reserve the right to publish events on an individual basis. All events must be business related, non-sales with a focus on educating and benefiting the business community.