
Prospera: El plan de negocio ¿Qué es y por qué todo empresario necesita uno?

Virtual / Webinar

Descubra el secreto del éxito empresarial! Únase a nuestro seminario y aprenda por qué un plan de negocio es la clave para alcanzar tus metas empresariales. Desde cómo definir su visión hasta identificar oportunidades de crecimiento, este evento te proporcionará las herramientas necesarias para impulsar tu negocio. ¡No te pierdas esta oportunidad única!


BBIF: Business Finance Principles – Financial Statements, Software, and Strategy

Virtual / Webinar

Join BBIF's small business experts in a workshop series where they will share crucial financial literacy tips, from personal to business. This knowledge will allow you to make informed financial decisions, create clear investment plans, & much more! At the workshop, you'll learn: Key takeaways from our previous session - Refocusing Your Finances An understanding […]

Stand-Out, Be You: Strategies For Personal Branding Success

26 Health 801 N. Magnolia Ave, Orlando

Village Talk | Stand Out, Be You Strategies For Personal Branding Success Come join us for an exciting event filled with strategies to help you stand out and be yourself! Emily Walker with Black Orlando Tech will share valuable insights on how to embrace your uniqueness and make a lasting impression by enhancing your personal […]


MACF: Elevating Leadership: Mastering Executive Presence presented by Dale Carnegie

MACF | FloridaMakes Office 201 E. Pine St. Suite 735, Orlando, FL, United States

Join us at the MACF office for coffee and an exclusive Thought Leadership Event, inspired by the profound principles of Dale Carnegie. “Elevating Leadership: Mastering Executive Presence” is a unique opportunity for Executive Leadership, Business Unit Leaders, Owners, and Presidents to delve into the art of cultivating a powerful executive presence – a skill crucial […]

SBDC: Business Plan Writing Made Easier

Virtual / Webinar

Your business needs a roadmap for every stage of its growth. We’ll remove the mystery of how to create a business plan, the information that should be included, and how to use it as a tool to keep your company on track for long term growth. Please note: Certain device’s Operating Systems (e.g. Windows S […]

MACF: Are You Protected from Ransomwars Attacks?

Virtual / Webinar

During the webinar, our hosts will discuss the following: –  What is Ransomware and how could your business be affected? –  How Does Ransomware like Polymorphic Malware Impact data security? –  How Can you protect your business from Ransomware Attacks? There will be a short Q&A afterwards, which will be your opportunity to ask our […]

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*We reserve the right to publish events on an individual basis. All events must be business related, non-sales with a focus on educating and benefiting the business community.