
SCORE: Quick Tips to Refresh Your Older Website

Virtual / Webinar

Learn 7 simple tricks that you can do today to make your website look updated and more modern. Does your business website need a more modern feel to attract and […]

SCORE: Picture Perfect: Boost Your Sales with Eye-Catching Product Listings on Amazon

Virtual / Webinar

This webinar offers valuable insights into building a thriving Amazon business. Through creating and optimizing product listings, using high-quality product images, and building a brand, businesses can establish themselves as successful Amazon sellers. This webinar is presented by Stefania Pilindavic. Stefania is a Client Service Director at BellaVix and an eCommerce and digital marketing expert […]

SCORE: The Profit Playbook: How to Get Sales Day 1

Virtual / Webinar

You can create a business plan that gets you sales on day 1. In this workshop, Alexander Nouveau from will teach you: – What you should be doing right […]

SCORE SpaceCoast: BizFest 2023

Holiday Inn Express and Suite and Space Coast Convention Center 301 Tucker Lane, Cocoa, FL, United States

The SCORE Space Coast Chapter will host the 7th annual Biz Fest Expo 2023 at the Holiday Inn Express and Suite and Space Coast Convention Center (301 tucker Lane, Cocoa, […]


SCORE: Choose Your Sub-Contractors

Virtual / Webinar

Often small businesses will need to outsource aspects of their business operation so that the owner can focus on those areas that are most strategic and where they have the […]

PTAC: Government Contracting: Overview

Virtual / Webinar

Federal, State, and Local Government procurement is the largest target market in the world. The question is usually not “Does the government buy what you are selling?”…it is more “Can […]

SCORE: Price Your Product for Profit Right From the Start

Virtual / Webinar

Whether you produce a product or provide a service, staying in business requires your pricing strategy will generate enough revenue, ensure profitability, and pay you what you are worth. If […]

SCORE: How to Set a Price for Your Product or Service

Virtual / Webinar

This workshop will cover five methods of product pricing with step-by-step instructions on how to implement them. The methods discussed will include: – Value Added Pricing – Cost Plus Pricing […]

SCORE: Quickly Connect, Qualify, and Close the Sale

Virtual / Webinar

Easy tips to implement now to impact your business. Presented by Cynthia Blackwell, coach, and author of The Magical Power of 3 Roadmap to Success Wealth and Happiness. Cynthia’s style […]

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*We reserve the right to publish events on an individual basis. All events must be business related, non-sales with a focus on educating and benefiting the business community.