
SCORE: Is Crowdfunding Right for My Business?

Virtual / Webinar

Crowdfunding is a new source of business funding as well as a way to get pre-sales of your products. This is a new and fast growing area that allows small […]


SCORE: Building Your Business Plan

Virtual / Webinar

Designed for anyone who has done their business research, most of their marketing plan, and understands some basic accounting and finance. It explains the purposes and value of a plan […]


OCLS: Creative Resources for Entrepreneurs

Virtual / Webinar

Learn about the Library and Melrose resources offered to those with creative needs, focusing on graphic design, web design, video editing, and more. Get personalized class recommendations. We will cover […]

SCORE: Understanding Business Loan Proposals

Virtual / Webinar

Do you have a great idea for a business and the only thing standing in your way is the money to give it some legs? Or, you already own your […]


SCORE: Building Your Financial Plan

Virtual / Webinar

This webinar aims to educate those with limited knowledge of accounting and finance on financial tracking, control, and projections. Topics covered include cash flow, income statement, break evens, and balance […]


SBDC at EFSC: HR Essentials for Small Business

Virtual / Webinar

Speaker: Alan Bernstein, SHRM-SCP HR Office Savers Navigating the landscape of modern Human Resources can be daunting. Both small business owners and HR professionals are required to keep up with constantly […]

SCORE: Cuando los Bancos Dicen No

Virtual / Webinar

Cuando los bancos dicen no" proporciona una visión general de las fuentes de financiación alternativas a las que los propietarios de pequeñas empresas pueden recurrir cuando los bancos dicen que […]


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*We reserve the right to publish events on an individual basis. All events must be business related, non-sales with a focus on educating and benefiting the business community.