Resource Partner Toolkit

Resource Partner Tool Kit

Upload & Share to BizLink Orange

Events for the Business Calendar

We want you to submit your events on the BizLink Orange Business Calendar!

  1. Go to
  2. Click “Business Calendar” at the top of the website
  3. Scroll to bottom of calendar and click on “SUBMIT YOUR EVENT” button
  4. Fill out all available fields on the “Submit an Event” page and SUBMIT. (up to 2 events can be submitted per session – until approved)

Once submitted your request will enter queue for approval.  Events can take up to 2 business days to be reviewed for approval.

Your Organization's Success Stories

BizLink Orange is excited to highlight the work our resource partners provide to our small business community. Please share as many success stories as possible so we can show our community how amazing you are!

Gather your materials listed below and then submit in a Word Document to [email protected] with Subject “SUCCESS STORY”.


  • A descriptive title and description of the success story (Must be  500 words or less)
    • Ensure your success story includes how your organization supported the small business.
  • At least one high resolution PNG format photo (1080×1080) of the entrepreneur/small business – Three high resolution photos maximum accepted.
  • Videos if available (less than 2 minutes of content and YouTube links are preferred)

Follow @BizLinkOrange on Social Media

Tag us when you post about business events or success stories that we can share.

Use #bizlinkorange

We’ve prepared a handy guide to help you make posts and share your important relationship with this tool. BizLinkOrange Social Media & Promo One Sheet has links to all video/graphic assets.

Flyers and PDFs about BizLink Orange

Print and hand out, or email the PDF flyer to people who are requesting additional assistance.

National Entrepreneur Center – Room Rental Options

The National Entrepreneur Center provides impressive, yet affordable options for your next meeting.  As a BizLink Orange Resource Partner you are provided a discounted rate for room rentals and as a Non-Profit you qualify for tax free.

Also available – partnering with BizLink Orange to co-host or co-sponsor events, please reach out to us.

Announce You are a Resource Partner!

We have taken the liberty of developing a template as a base for the news release to announce your status as an official Partner of BizLink Orange.  Please note that the “quotes” from individuals outside your organizations have already been officially approved for use so please do not change them. You are welcome to add and adjust any content pertaining to your specific organization only.

Resource Partner Press Release 


We are so excited to have you as a Business Resource Partner! Below are a few tips to help promote BizLink Orange.

Who runs BizLink Orange?

BizLink Orange is powered by the National Entrepreneur Center.

Program Manager – Katy Cook – [email protected]

What is the mission of BizLink Orange?

BizLink Orange’s mission is to accelerate the growth and development of Central Florida’s small business community.

We are able to accomplish this because of amazing resource partners like you!  It’s only with a “Unity of Purpose and a Continuity of Effort” that we can nurture and grow a vibrant small business community.

What is the best way to describe BizLink Orange?

BizLink Orange is the premier online hub for business resources and assistance in Central Florida.

Whether you are looking for “how-to” resources guides, a personal action plan, access to a region-wide business calendar events or utilization of our powerful “resource navigator” to connect with a vast array of entrepreneurial support organizations, BizLink Orange has something for everyone.

If an organization joins the network, does it still keep its own identity?
Absolutely! Each organization continues to operate as it does today. BizLink Orange’s purpose is to help entrepreneurs find the right resource at the right time. This is accomplished by facilitating connections to the services included in our database.

How does BizLink Orange help resource partners like me?
● Greater Community Awareness and Publicity of Services
● Annual Compilation of referral and visibility statistics
● Identification of criteria frequently searched by business owners, which leads to insights that will be shared with participating Resource Partners.